Something was bothering him. He tried to abstain himself from whatever that was distracting him. For once, he knew it was wrong. It was very very wrong indeed. A certain question was circling around his head, constantly, as if the brain was the sun and the question had it's own orbit. The question just wouldn't go away. Maybe he had felt it before, but even he wasn't aware of it. But then again, the way the human mind works is mysterious. You believe what YOU WANT to believe. It's true. So damn true.
He knew he had to let it out, for keeping it to himself was dishonest and disrespectful. He doesn't like having second motives or intentions in doing things. He values honesty more than anything else. He was completely exhausted one day, and all the questions in his head just took a toll on him. Then, without thinking of the consequences, he did it. He fucking did it. He learnt a valuable lesson that day, that being tired and being drunk are both equally hazardous when it comes to thinking straight.