Thursday, December 23, 2010


You know sometimes when you go on Facebook, you come across these really vain people? Where they camwhore and post up pictures of themselves which arent really nice? hahaha i mean its okay when there's a hot girl doin that but otherwise, its just not pleasing for the eyes. TRUST ME.

you know seriously, these people must get some sense knocked into their heads. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY NOT HOT SO STOP EMBARASSING YOURSELF FOR GOD'S SAKE. The funniest part is when a guy does this. He makes the weirdest of poses, takes pictures and posts it on FB. HAHAHAHA and he freaking thinks he's hot. hahahaha EPIC LAH MALAYSIANS.

You see, its practically WRONG for a guy to camwhore. Its just not right. It's against human nature =/ And for those girl who are not that pretty (Sorry I have to say this) Exposing yourself on the net aint gonna get you admirers, because, even a horny dude like me never "steamed" when I saw you ppl's pictures. hahaha "inferiority complex" I should call it. well you might curse me now, hahahaha but I would like to see your freaking faces when your child googles your name up in the future and finds his mummy looking a bit..... wild? hahahaha

You dont want that to happen don't you? Do not trust the Internet =)

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