Thursday, May 7, 2009


I tell you, my class, is the most dangerous place you can ever be. Today Mr.Munies was busy with some case so he didn't enter the class, and what did we do?? OFF-HOUR!!!

It all started when Daniel and Ashley, played a prank on me, where I ended up getting stuffed with Ang's smelly and sweaty shorts on my head. Damn gross right?? KNS... Getting pissed, I chased Daniel before finally manage to grab hold of him before starting to whack him, soon the whole class joined in the fun!! Then we started of "OFF-HOUR" Haha, well let me explain to you in detail what "off-hour" means. It's the most lamest game you could ever think of, where you hit your friends head as hard as you can while you have the chance..... Dangerous? Nah, no one died till now xD Ashley was the first victim xD.... Then Daniel was planning for the next victim so he came and informed me that it was gonna be Muthuram... This was he was saying to me...

Daniel: Dei, next target is Muthuram, so you just say its Burhan first,then we all

The next thing I know, the whole class was whacking Daniel again.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!! WTF la.... LOL!!!

Well, being pure science students, Mr.Munies asked us to study during our free periods, instead we do this!!! HAHAHAHA, no wonder the teachers still can't believe a bunch of straight A students make up 4 gigih... LOL... xD

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