Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Opppss... Forgot to add... Hmm.. I went to Klang Parade today... It's been ages since I went to that place coz my friends don't think that place is that HAPPENING...

Anyways, went there to hang with Serlin!! Since she's leaving very soon and I may not see her for a long long time... Ermm... So I celebrated her err... Birthday?? Or farewell party?? decide yourself.. Lolz... We went to bowling!! Haha.... with Serlin, her sis and her mum...

Then we went to the arcade... you LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha.. Lolz... And there's this stupid karaoke box which has only and ONLY malay songs.... So I didn't get to hear you singing in the end T.T

Anyways, had fun today... Haha.. Wanna go bowling again when you come back during holidays?? Haha... And I got you're pic without you knowing =P Don't kill me for posting this!!! *Begs* =P =P And I'm gonna post the video of you bowling too!!!!!!!!! Muahahahahah!!!! Lolz...

P/S: Lim Ser Lin, youre a loser!!!!!!!!!! Haha.....

Watch the noob bowl....hahahahaha....

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