Friday, July 24, 2009

It's been such a long time since I last updated my blog. I've been busy lah. Hahaha... anyways last Saturday was Gerkorama. Hmm the event was sad la. Really. Hahaha, not as grand as what the school expected. And I would like to thank those who were there who supported us during our performance. xD You guys are awesome lah! "Shsshh girl, shut your lips, do the helen keller, and talk with your hips!" xD . Well but I seriously think it was a waste of time performing during Gerkorama. Hahaha, was aching to pull out but then I realised I had already told many people about our performance and I didn't want them to turn up on that day, listening to news that I'm no more performing. x)

Anyways back to Gerkorama, firstly the paintball area was too small, the helicopter never turned up, getting into the ghost house seemed to take ages, so overall it was boring lah actually. The only good thing that happened on that day is BUNKFACE. I think I'm gonna get their album. xD Preety much awesome-ness from them. Punk-rock at its best xD. Their tunes are dam catchy, and also very very energetic. But I pity those who came to watch Bunkface and were made to wait so long.

Next up was Youth Nite.
It was, sleepy? Hahaha, well because I had spend almost the whole day under the sun during Gerkorama, was kinda tired during Youth Nite. LC featuring AMY was awesome! Hahaha, I think they should install her as their singer permanently. Then the dancefloor was err crazy? Haha, sorry to say this but it became something like a mini-clubbing session? Ahhh who cares anyways, hahaha, was dam tired so I don't really remember what I did that night xD

And not to forget ICC's first project of the year which is the farewell party for seniors. Hmm I wonder why so less people turned up. We were having a party to appreciate the work you guys did, and you guys don't turn up? Saddening. Well, anyways, it went preety smoothly, and most importantly WE HAD FUN! And I have to learn to stop eating all the time? Cause I wonder how I can eat so much these days.. xP

Gan Chew Hong. Hahaha, thanks a lot for listening to whatever I had to say these past few days and thanks for the advice you gave me. You clearly have made me feel better in so many ways. Hahaha, although you barely know me you've still been so good to me so thanks a lot! =)

And people, please get the term friendship into your heads, can? I can't go kao-ing every girl there is right? Can't I have a friend from the opposite sex for once? Ish ish, susahhhh betul =.= *Close-minded-ness*


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